Open a Store Online!

for your
 Create an online store, and sell your products and services everywhere.

As a business, you want one thing: get more paying customers.

CloudMarketplaces is the easiest way to open an online store, capture customers, and make new sales.

Websites are not enough!

Ecommerce stores that bring more sales for your business is all that matters. Paired with expert digital marketing tailored especially for your company, it's like opening and generating free income from new stores without the excessive cost of building them.

Your Advantage

Take your business and just look at a few of the many wins you gain when you embrace ecommerce and apply it there.
Here's a list of just a few ->

Ecommerce opportunities for your business isn’t about the future anymore— it’s already here. And you can take advantage of all its benefits in the here and now. Below are just some you can expect.

  • Gain new customers. And give customers superior ease and convenience in buying from you.
  • Generate more sales. Generate income as if you opened one or more branch stores— without the cost of building, manpower or stocking
  • Lower cost. Drastically. Sell without the cost of a physical store, rent, clerks, overhead, and the like.
  • Reach and distribution power. At a nominal cost, it’s like opening branches across the city, country, or globally.
  • Sell everywhere. One e-commerce website, and the whole world can reach you. Overcome geographical limitations. Local, domestic/national and/or international sale of goods and services.
  • Remain open all the time. Availability 24/7: Your store is open every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (E.g. taking in orders even without employees during weekends or holidays)
  • Personalization. A whole new level of customer service enabled by technology
  • Abundant Customer information. Knowledge, database and analytics that provide unrivaled knowledge of customers and how to serve them even better, keep them returning, and how to capture more.
  • Growth. Business growth. At a fraction of the normal cost. And did we already mention, more sales?
  • Create targeted communication. With empirical, data-backed, effective messaging that works based on analytical intelligence without guessing.
  • Create new markets. For niche and new products and services.
  • Convenience for customers. They can buy from anywhere and have your products delivered using their mobile phones, computers, TV sets or anything connected to the Internet
  • Expand market opportunities. In a way the traditional methods never can.
  • Gain higher margins. You sell without the cost of a physical store, rent, clerks, overhead, and the like.
  • Build your brand. And gain a much stronger brand loyalty.
  • Eliminate travel time and cost. Imagine the difference made when people don’t have to travel to your store but just visit your store online and make purchases.
  • Increased control over brand messaging and customer engagement.
  • Inventory and stock availability. Instead of the infefficiency of running out of stock from one store while another branch elsewhere has items available, now your singular online store will always have them available and just delivery and fulfill where it is available.
  • New and more opportunities to innovate.
  • Enable deals. Deals, bargains, coupons, group buying, and other powerful development activities
  • Faster buying process. Semi-automated or fully-automated buying processes reducing cost, errors, and manpower; while boosting productivity and results
  • Direct access to customers and their data. Better information for customers. Including product/service and price comparisons
  • Faster response to buyer/market demands.
  • Affordable and powerful marketing and advertising. 
  • The power of huge corporations in selling online, now in your hands. No matter your size, you have the same power to sell and reach customers like the largest companies, at a fraction of thier cost.
  • Flexibility for customers. Now they can buy from your store, from their home, or from anywhere
  • Stand out in your industry or category. And reap the many benefits therein.

We’ll help you get there. We can help do all of it for you.

Let's Get Your Store Up


We'll begin the process of setting you up for business online

    Categories / Niches

    Yes, Your Business is Eligible

    Whatever your industry, field or niche, you're qualified.
    Ecommerce will bring you more customers, sales and income; have no doubt about it.
    Are you in any of these niches?

    • Retail Store. Any store from consumer product retail to parts and accessories to just about any business that sells to consumers and businesses
    • Wholesale. business-to-business wholesale transactions and automations
    • Professional. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, and any professional practice
    • Online Business. Online-centric businesses like ecom stores, merch sellers, dropshipping businesses, influencer channels, and many more
    • Services (General). Advertising, Marketing, Barber shops, salons,
    • Services (Technical), Support & Maintenance. Automobile / motorcycle / bicycle repair, motorcycle maintenance, building maintenance, security services, handyman and repairs
    • Hospitality. From large hotels to mini lodgings, events coordinators, motels and specialty boutiques: book guests, occasions and accommodations with ease
    • Personal. Pet grooming, home services, masseuse services, coaching, tutoring and online education, among many others
    • MSME. online stores to let micro and small to medium entrepreneurial enterprises gain bigger sales
    • Food & Beverage. Whether you have physical restaurants, food joints, bars or ghost kitchens, having your own e-commerce store provides for complete control and a hub for deliveries and on-demand food apps (Uber, Grab, FoodPanda, etc.)
    • Creative / Art. Sell and resell art, commissions, and NFTs.
    • Construction. Facilitate proposals, catalogs, estimates and transactions
    • Government, Political & NGOs. Transactions that support citizens and saves them from long lines and cumbersome manual paperwork
    • Charity. Accept donations and various forms of goodwill
    And many, many more. Whatever you do, whatever your business or professional practice, ecommerce will help you generate more customers, new business, and with proper marketing, more and new sales.